10 unique places to discover NEW Content

Are you looking for better ways to find new and interesting content to share on Social Media? When you share good content it’s easier to build a strong community. Sharing great content also increases your credibility. To give the people what they want, sometimes you’ve got to dig deeper. Here are some unique places to look:

Find Content in Your Inbox

Subscribe to newsletters based on your interests and or industry. Newsletters are often filled with hand-picked articles of interest. The best ones will have one or two new pieces of content that you can share each day.

Newsletters/Blogs you should subscribe to:

Subscribe to Google Alerts

The more informed we are, the more valuable and influential we become. With Google Alerts, you can set up industry keywords and or phrases and monitor the web for interesting new content. Instructions to set up Google Alerts.

Check Out Flipboard 

Flipboard is a news aggregation and social network aggregation company and a great place to find news on any topic. Flip any article into your own magazine or category to keep a running of your favourite articles for reading or sharing later.

Participate in Online Forums

Content doesn’t need to be in the form of a blog post, article or link for it to be good. Quora is great for collecting unique insights on whatever topic you’re focused on.

Join Niche Facebook Groups

Just like in your news feed, people share things that they find interesting, as well as some of their own content. The difference is, most groups have guidelines, so people only post pieces that are relevant to the topic of the group.

Seek out Relevant Twitter Lists

Twitter lists ensure you never miss a post from the people you trust the most. You can make lists based on a variety of interests or topics.

Review Trending Topics

The top social media networks also have a pretty good idea of what content is popular so why not use this to your advantage.

Google+ tracks its rising content in a section titled What’s Hot. Its algorithms pull up-and-coming content.  To reach this feature, click on the Explore link on your top navigation bar, then choose “What’s Hot” from the list of tags.

Twitter has a search feature that lets you see what others are talking about based on keywords you enter and below shows a list of trending hashtags.

Facebook Trending helps you discover relevant topics being discussed in real time.

Get Pocket

Pocket is your place to quickly save, discover, and recommend the stories that interest you from anywhere on the web.

Try Klout

Klout suggests shareable content that your audience hasn’t seen yet. It tracks how retweets, likes, and shares affect your Klout Score.

Visit Content Gems

Set up broad content searches and filter by popularity, or go niche and discover content in your area of specialty that nobody else is sharing.  Make sure to utilize the add article feature to share your content and increase your exposure online.

TIP: Use Sensory Words to provide more details and examples in your writing!

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